




Amorphophallus Konjac Root Extract



항산화,엔티에이징,체중조절,콜레스테롤 억제작용




Basic information

Product Name

Konjak Extract

Latin Name

Amorphophallus konjac

Active Ingredient

Glucomannan 90%

Test Method



White Fine Powder

Part Used




곤약 글루코만난 파우더는 다년초  학명인 Amorphophallus Konjac

곤약의  뿌리로부터 축출하며 과정은 아래와 같습니다.

원재료 곤약Roots >물에 담금>필터링>정화과정>

진공 농축>살균처리>건조>글루코만난 파우더>포장



곤약 주로 아열대지역인 동남아시아와 아프리카 지역  해발 800미터 산악지대,섭시 16 이상의 열대 우림 지역인 인도네시아,몬순지역인 중국 남서 지방에서 주로 자라는 다년초입니다.글루코만난 다당류는  피부에 상쾌한 기분을 주는 매우 부드러운 투명한 젤입니다. 아런 이유로 글루코만난을 화장품에 응용합니다.이전까지 천연 다당류에서는 없었던, 글루코만난은 중합체 같은 느낌을 주며  좋은 안정성이 있습니다. 젤은 무취 투명성 균질성의 특성이 있습니다.





Type :  Konjac Extract (Glucomannan)

Form: Powder


Extraction Type:Solvent Extraction

Packaging:Drum, Plastic Container, Vacuum Packed

Place of Origin:China (Mainland)

Grade:Food,Pharmaceutical  and Cosmetics grade

Appearance:Yellowish to white fine powder

Extract Method:Water/Ethanol


Particle size:100% pass   100-120Mesh

Melecular Formula:C26H43O22

CAS No.:37220-17-0

Active ingredients:Glucomannan




Glucomannan is the Western name for vegetable fibers derived from an Asiatic plant family known as konjac. Glucomannan does not dissolve in water, but forms a thick, gooey gel when exposed to fluids. The body does not digest glucomannan,Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder is a polysaccharide made out of the tuber of Amorphophallus Konjac. The plant belongs to the family of Araceae which grows in South-East-Africa and Asia. In China the plant is known as “Ju Ruo” and in Japan as “Konyaku”.

The Konjac plant blossoms in mountain and hilly landscape (approximately 800 m above sea level) of subtropical regions with temperatures above 16 °C. It grows for example in the rainforest in Indonesia, in monsoon areas in Southwest China and also in Japan.

Internal laboratory tests have shown synergistic effects of Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder in combination with other biopolymers. Tests combining, for example, 95 % of Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder with 5 % of Xanthan Gum with a total polysaccharide concentration of 1% in solution. This yields a very strong gel structure.

Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder combined with Carrageen, gives a thermo-reversible gel.

Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder is dispersed at the best with a minimum of 2% glycerine in the blend to avoid the formation of hydro colloidal lumps. Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder is precipitated by ethanol with concentrations above 10 %.

Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder has shown excellent stability in combination with the self tanning agent Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) at pH values 2–4 and with alpha-Hydroxyacids (AHA) after 3 months of storage.



What products to use it in?

Ideal as a thickener in all kinds of gels e.g. aloe vera gels, eye gels, gel serums, healing gels.
As a help emulsifier in creams, lotions and facial masks.

-In cosmetics it is used to give body to a variety of beauty products. It is also used in wound treatment as a protective layer that does not irritate the skin.

Recommended dosage and how to use in products

Dosage: 0.5 % gives same consistency of approx. 1%   xanthan gum recipe;  
1% Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder makes a thick gel.
When using boiling water it thickens more & faster than if using cold water.
As a help emulsifier in creams, lotions and facial masks, dosage:  0.05 -0.5%.

Water or oil-soluble?

Storage & Shelf life
In closed containers the shelf life is 2 years.

Konjac Glucomannan Gel Powder should be stored in a dry & dark place at temperatures below 25°C.








Amorphophallus Konjac Root Extract

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